Daily Life at the time of Christ.


This page will be built over time and may be reorganised from time to time. I will add pictures too, some my own and others as permission allows.

In the telling of The Agnostic Gospels, I have tried to be aligned with the reality of the times. Any 'technology' or daily activities to which I refer, existed.

People during the time of Christ had all the same mental capabilities as you or I do. Of course, most did not have the advantage of a comprehensive education nor access to the World's knowledge at their fingertips, but they weren't stupid! Art and poetry were, arguably, more sophisticated than today. Just visit any antiquities museum and be amazed at the beauty of marble sculptures.

Technology in the Iron Age was more advanced than you might think. The Romans had mastered architectural techniques, such that they built with concrete and had three-storey apartments with plumbing. The Coliseum is a sight to behold today, let alone 2000 yrs ago. The fountains in Rome were powered by gravity-driven water pressure, with aqueducts transporting water over tens of miles, both above and below ground, as required to maintain the slight, consistent gradient.

In Britain, at the same time, things were not quite so sophisticated, but they were master craftspeople, fashioning intricate jewelry, iron cookware, farming implements and lethal weapons.

They traded locally and with the Roman Empire. They rode chariots and were experienced sea-farers.

Houses in Britain were typically wattle and daub roundhouses with a conical thatch. Often, the smoke from the central fire just permeated through the roof, with not even a central hole.

Here is a cut-away diagram by Bob Marshal that helps visualise the structure.


Herbs and Medicines

The Druids were reputed to not only be priests, but mathematicians, physiscians, astronomers and herbologists.

In The Agnostic Gospels I reference the use of herbs and plants for medicinal purposes. THESE ARE NOT to be considered as potential cures today! However, I have tried my best to be accurate in their suitability as Iron Age remedies.

Brynn Dar uses alder leaves to soothe Mary's sore feet. Blackthorn sloe berries are believed to relieve many ailments including inflammation, fatigue and general exhaustion.

Boduoc uses elderflower and lady's mantle to soothe a sprained ankle. The elderflowers are used externally in poultices to ease pain and relieve inflammation. Lady's Mantle aids in wound healing.

Brynn uses sponges to apply a healing balm. As I was writing, when I chose the use of a sponge I had no idea that it has recently been established that certain sponges exhibit antibiotic characteristics! Serendipity at work, I feel.

The reference to a 'secret' concoction used by Brynn to help heal Arevaci and Mary, as well as being used in sacrificial rites, is based on recent archeological findings that Druids may have used a 'drug' to put human sacrificial 'offerings' into trance prior to performing a 'living sacrifice'.

I surmise that, just like the 'Healing Sleep' of the Greeks, the Druids could put a body into stasis to allow it to self-heal. One might speculate how else this concoction could have been used to wondrous effect.