The Agnostic Gospels and Historical Events.
The Agnostic Gospels are anchored by a framework of recorded events and historical figures. The story is woven between these 'known facts', embellished with invented characters and plausible events, drawn from apocrypha and folklore. Of course, BCE (before common era) and CE (common era) are modern scales attributed to historical events as best as can be reckoned from historical records,
YEAR | EVENT | Date Veracity (F)act, (A)gnostic Gs |
Character's or Event Provenance (H)istorical, (B)iblical, (A)gnostic Gs |
73BCE | Herod The Great born | F | H |
63BCE | Augustus Caesar (Octavian) born | F | H |
43BCE | Ovid (Roman poet) born | F | H |
39BCE | Joseph of Arimathea born | A | B |
34BCE | Nicodemus born | A | B |
28BCE | Yeshua's (Jesus') father Joseph born | A | B |
27BCE | Augustus becomes Caesar | F | H |
19BCE | Mary, mother of Yeshua born | A | B |
6BCE | John The Baptist born | A | B |
6BCE | Yeshua born | A | B |
6BCE | Mary Magdalene born | A | B |
4BCE | Herod dies | F | H |
6CE | Judea becomes a Roman Province | F | H |
6CE | Yeshua talks to elders at Passover | A | B |
7CE | Yeshua and John with Essenes | A | A |
8CE | Ovid banished from Rome | F | H |
9CE | Yeshua, Arimathea and Magdalene in Albion | A | A |